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Prifo's ABC Juice Powder is naturally made with Apple Beetroot Carrot and Pure Jaggery Powder. Its free from White Sugar and no added chemicals or preservatives. All ingredients are 100% natural and vegetarian.

How We make ??

For making 1 Kg of ABC Juice Powder We need 10 kg of Fresh Apples, 10 Kg of Fresh Beetroots 10 Kg of Fresh Carrots. No artificial ingredients, coloring substances added. 

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 For people trying to lose weight, ABC juice can work wonders due to its low-calorie and high-fibre properties. Healthy hair and better digestion are some of the many added benefits of this simple drink.

One can easily prepare by adding just 2 spoons in a glass of water and a healthy ABC Drink is ready works best on empty stomach. This drink is Suitable for all ages and a healthy substitute for tea / coffee during summers.


Making an early morning Drink

sharpens your memory, regular detoxifying, promotes heart health, increase your hair and skin tone, purifies the blood, boosting immune, relives constipation, supports weight loss and much more

Our ABC Juice Pack benefits the body by providing it with a complete package of many vitamins and minerals that help in meeting your daily requirements for many nutrients.


The Miracle Drink
Instant making on the go... 

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Regular Intake of ABC Juice improves Immunity, Delays ageing process, Increase White Blood Cells Count, Improves digestion and keep the body feeling active and fit.

This Miracle drink is nourished with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals It also helps in detoxifying your skin and making it more healthy. It may also make the skin look younger and tighter.

"Give it a try for 40 days and reap the benefits..."

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Fresh ABC - Apple Beetroot Carrot added

ABC juice or apple, beetroot, and carrot juice is a popular detoxification drink that has become the favorite of many fitness enthusiasts in recent times.

Hair and Skin Care

Our ABC juice powder benefits for skin include giving your skin an all-natural blush all the time. By getting rid of all toxins and dirt, the juice helps in restoring your natural complexion and gives you a great glow.

Good for Vision

The nutrients in apples, like Vitamin A, help improve your vision. If you are someone who is glued to their laptop or phone screen for long hours every day, then adding the ABC juice to your diet will ensure your vision stays unaffected to a large extent.

Best Detox drink

It naturally supports for weight loss This juice helps you feel full for a few hours due to its low-calorie and high-fibre properties.

Cures indigestion and bad breath problems

ABC juice is a nutrient-enriched drink that can help you get rid of bad breath. This is possible because the juice gets the body to function properly and cures indigestion, which is often the reason behind bad breath.



Less tasty powder

- Dr Y.P. Sharma

Tastes good

Taste is good.. ofcourse due to sugar..will have to see if it really works..if it works then it ll be an ideal option for people with anemia.

- Ms. Prathima

Nice product. Can give it a try once.

Have been drinking it past a month. No visible or extraordinary results. Maybe 2-3 mahine k baad kuch asar dikhe. Ok ok product.

- Mr. Dinesh

 Good for health

It's loaded with iron, which helps me in my mensuration period . It's taste is amazing must try instead of market juice which contains in chemicals..

- Ms. Swatlina


Good combination,it gives energy,drink in the morning

Hitesh d thakkar 

Wroth, value of the money


- Mr. Hamzah Musi

This product is really perfect for my busy life.

I am really happy to drink this I am drink this prifo ABC Juice daily it's really work what they mentioned about product and also it's really time saving product Thanks prifo for invent this healthy product and thanks Amazon for adding this valueable product in your business.

- Shabnam Sheik

Good for Vision

I have been using ABC juice for 3 days It was easy to prepare and it saved lot of time 
The drink tastes good and it was made up of natural  ingredients 
Ur idea in bringing up natural ABC juice powder really works 
I like ABC juice powder 
I wish u a very good luck and success in ur work

- Ms. Ramya


Its good product, natural I really like it Will try to replace with tea and buy again. This product will be really useful who don't have time to consume fruits and vegetables.

Perfect Product.

Very good product worthy

- Flipkart Customer

We are also available on Amazon and Flipkart - Visit now

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